TeamSpeak Server - Quickstart Guide ===================================================== Copyright (c) TeamSpeak Systems GmbH ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. System requirements ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Windows 7, 2008 R2, 8 and 2012, 10. Both 32bit and 64bit are natively supported. 2. Linux A reasonably modern Linux environment with libstdc++ 6 is required. Both 32bit and 64bit are natively supported. In addition, TeamSpeak 3 requires the epoll API which was introduced in Linux kernel 2.5.44. Support was added to glibc in version 2.3.2. 3. Mac OS X Mac OS X 10.8 or better on Macs with Intel processors. Note that PowerPC processors are no longer supported. For details, please visit: ----------------------------------------------------------- 2. Installation ----------------------------------------------------------- Before you run the TeamSpeak Server it is required that you agree to our license. This license can be found in the file "license.txt" or "LICENSE" (depending on your platform), which is located in the same location as the ts3server binary (the main folder). Note that on Unix platforms you can also view the license by starting ts3server with the environment variable TS3SERVER_LICENSE set to "view". If, after reading it, you agree to the license, this can be indicated in one of three ways: 1: Create a file called ".ts3server_license_accepted" in the current working directory. The contents of this file are irrelevant and can be empty. For example on linux do: touch .ts3server_license_accepted 2: Start the ts3server with the commandline parameter "license_accepted" set to 1. For example: ts3server license_accepted=1 3: Set the OS environment variable TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "accept". For example on Windows: set TS3SERVER_LICENSE=accept 1. Windows Download the correct file for your architecture: - for 32bit Windows - for 64bit Windows We recommend running the TeamSpeak Server from the command shell. Extract the archive in a directory of your choice. Open the command shell and change path to this directory. From here you can start the server executable. Example (32bit): $ cd C:\ts3server\teamspeak3-server_win32 $ ts3server.exe Example (64bit): $ cd C:\ts3server\teamspeak3-server_win64 $ ts3server.exe 2. Linux Download the correct file for your architecture: - teamspeak3-server-linux_x86.tar.gz for 32bit - teamspeak3-server-linux_amd64.tar.gz for 64bit Extract the archive in a directory of your choice and run the TeamSpeak Server binary. Example (Background): $ tar xzf teamspeak3-server-linux_x86.tar.gz $ cd teamspeak3-server-linux_x86 $ ./ start Do not forget to accept the license in one of the three ways described above. ATTENTION! In some cases, the server process terminates on startup and the error message reads "Server() error while starting servermanager, error: instance check error". As long as you do not use a license key we make sure you only run exactly one instance of the TS3 server free unregistered version. We use shared memory to facilitate the communication to detect other running instances, which requires tmpfs to be mounted at /dev/shm. If you (for whatever reason) do not have this mounted, the above error will occur. To fix this problem, the following commands or file edits need to be done as root user (or using something like sudo). This is a temporary fix until your next reboot. mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /dev/shm Now, to make sure this mount is done automatically upon reboot edit the file /etc/fstab and add the line: tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 3. Mac OS X Download the file, which includes an universal binary running on both Intel 32 and 64 bit computers. Copy the archive into a directory of your choice and extract it using Finder or the Terminal application. $ unzip $ cd teamspeak3-server_mac $ ./ts3server Do not forget to accept the license in one of the three ways described above. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. License File ----------------------------------------------------------- To run a TeamSpeak Server instance with more than a single virtual server and 32 slots you require a license file. The license can be obtained here: Without a proper license file available the server will refuse to start or fallback to limited functionality. Once the license file is available, copy it into the TeamSpeak Server directory, where the server executable is located. 4. Server Output and Logfile On Linux and Mac OS X the server will print its log output to the console in which you started it. In addition the log output is written into several files, located in the logs/ subdirectory. NOTE! On Windows, the server will only write the logfile, there is no console output. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. Virtual Servers ----------------------------------------------------------- Like with TeamSpeak 2, the server process serves as a container for multiple virtual servers running within the same process. When the server process is started, one virtual voice server will be automatically created unless the 'create_default_virtualserver=0' commandline parameter is specified . The first virtual server will be running on port 9987 by default. Subsequently started virtual servers will be running on increasing port numbers. The second on 9998, the third on 9999 etc. The first default port can be changed by specifying the 'default_voice_port=' commandline parameter. Virtual servers are always unique, marked by an unique identifier. Hence it is not possible to start the same virtual server within a second server process. ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. Commandline Parameters ----------------------------------------------------------- Commandline parameters are passed to the TeamSpeak Server using the form: ts3server = [=] ... Important! All commandline parameters passed to the server need to be escaped using the ServerQuery escape patterns (check the ServerQuery manual for details). Example: $ ./ clear_database=1 create_default_virtualserver=0 Commandline parameters are not saved over sessions, so if you passed parameters when starting the server process, you need to pass them again the next time. If a parameter is not specified, the default value will be used, regardless of parameters specified during a previous server start. The following commandline parameters are available: ----------------------------------------------------------- * version () When added to commandline the server will output its version to stdout and exit. * daemon (0) If set to '1', the TeamSpeak Server will be started in the background. This feature is not supported on Windows versions of the TeamSpeak Server, because the windows server is always running in the background. Default: The TeamSpeak Server starts in the foreground. * pid_file () Writes the pid of the TeamSpeak Server into the file. Default: No pid file is being written. * default_voice_port (9987) UDP port open for clients to connect to. This port is used by the first virtual server, subsequently started virtual servers will open on increasing port numbers. Default: The default voice port is 9987. * voice_ip (,0::0) Comma separated IP list on which the server instance will listen for incoming voice connections. Default: The server is bound on "any" IP address, both ipv4 and ipv6 if available. * create_default_virtualserver (1) Normally one virtual server is created automatically when the TeamSpeak Server process is started. To disable this behavior, set this parameter to '0'. In this case you have to start virtual servers manually using the ServerQuery interface. Default: If not provided, one virtual server is created. * crashdumps_path (crashdumps/) When the server crashes, a crashdump is created that may be send to teamspeak to help fixing the crash. The location where the crashdumps are saved too, can be changed with this parameter. This feature is currently not supported on FreeBSD and Alpine versions of the TeamSpeak Server. Default: The server will create the crashdump in the 'crashdumps/' subdirectory. * machine_id () Optional name of this server process to identify a group of servers with the same ID. This can be useful when running multiple TeamSpeak Server instances on the same database. Please note that we strongly recommend that you do NOT run multiple server instances on the same SQLite database. Default: The server instance will not use a machine ID. * filetransfer_port (30033) TCP Port opened for file transfers. If you specify this parameter, you also need to specify the 'filetransfer_ip' parameter! Default: The default file transfer port is 30033. * filetransfer_ip (,0::0) Comma separated IP list which the file transfers are bound to. If you specify this parameter, you also need to specify the 'filetransfer_port' parameter! Default: File transfers are bound on "any" IP address, both ipv4 and ipv6 if available. * query_protocols (raw) Comma separated list of protocols that can be used to connect to the ServerQuery. Possible values are 'raw' and 'ssh'. If 'raw' is specified a raw or "classic" ServerQuery is made available as specified by 'query_ip' and 'query_port'. If 'ssh' is specified an encrypted ServerQuery using SSH is made available as specified by 'query_ssh_ip' and 'query_ssh_port'. Any combination of the aforementioned values can be specified in this parameter, including leaving it empty, which would disable ServerQuery altogether. Default: The default starts a raw or "classic" ServerQuery. * query_timeout (300) Number of seconds before a query connection is disconnected because of user inactivity. If value is set to be zero or negative, the timeout will be disabled. Default: ServerQuerys are disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity. * query_port (10011) TCP Port opened for ServerQuery connections. If you specify this parameter, you should also take a look at the 'query_ip' parameter! Default: The default ServerQuery port is 10011. * query_ip (,0::0) Comma separated IP list on which the server instance will listen for incoming ServerQuery connections. If you specify this parameter, you also take a look at the 'query_port' parameter! Default: ServerQuerys are bound on "any" IP address, both ipv4 and ipv6 if available. * query_ssh_port (10022) TCP Port opened for ServerQuery connections using SSH. If you specify this parameter, you also need to specify the 'query_ssh_ip' parameter! Default: The default ServerQuery over ssh port is 10022. * query_ssh_ip (,0::0) Comma separated IP list on which the server instance will listen for incoming ServerQuery over SSH connections. If you specify this parameter, you also need to specify the 'query_port' parameter! Default: ServerQuerys over SSH are bound on "any" IP address, both ipv4 and ipv6 if available. * query_ssh_rsa_host_key (ssh_host_rsa_key) The physical path to the ssh_host_rsa_key to be used by query. If it does not exist, it will be created when the server is starting up. Default: a host key specific to TeamSpeak will be used. * clear_database (0) If set to '1', the server database will be cleared before starting up the server. This is mainly used for testing. Usually this parameter should not be specified, so all server settings will be restored when the server process is restarted. Default: Database is not cleared on start. * logpath (logs/) The physical path where the server will create logfiles. Default: The server will create logfiles in the 'logs/' subdirectory. * dbplugin (ts3db_sqlite3) Name of the database plugin library used by the server instance. For example, if you want to start the server with MariaDB/MySQL support, simply set this parameter to 'ts3db_mariadb' to use the MariaDB plugin. Do NOT specify the 'lib' prefix or the file extension of the plugin. Default: The default SQLite3 database plugin will be used. * dbpluginparameter () A custom parameter passed to the database plugin library. For example, the MariaDB database plugin supports a parameter to specify the physical path of the plugins configuration file. Default: The database plugin will be used without a parameter. * dbsqlpath (sql/) The physical path where your SQL script files are located. Default: The server will search for SQL script files in the 'sql/' subdirectory. * dbsqlcreatepath (create_sqlite/) The physical path where your SQL installation files are located. Note that this path will be added to the value of the 'dbsqlpath' parameter. Default: The server will search for SQL installation scripts files in the '/dbsqlcreatepath/' subdirectory. * licensepath () The physical path where your license file is located. Default: The license file is located in your servers installation directory. * createinifile (0) If set to '1', the server will create an INI-style config file containing all commandline parameters with the values you have specified. Default: The server will not create a config file. * inifile () The physical path including the filename where your config file is located. Default: the config file does not exist. * query_ip_whitelist (query_ip_whitelist.txt) The file containing whitelisted IP addresses for the ServerQuery interface. All hosts listed in this file will be ignored by the ServerQuery flood protection. Default: The whitelist file is located in your servers installation directory. * query_ip_blacklist (query_ip_blacklist.txt) The file containing blacklisted IP addresses for the ServerQuery interface. All hosts listed in this file are not allowed to connect to the ServerQuery interface. Default: The whitelist file is located in your servers installation directory. * query_skipbruteforcecheck (0) If set to "1", the server will skip and bruteforce protection for whitelisted Ip addresses for the ServerQuery interface. Default: 0 -> bruteforce protection is enabled * dbclientkeepdays (90) Defines how many days to keep unused client identities. Auto-pruning is triggered on every start and on every new month while the server is running. Default: The server will auto-prune client identities older than 90 days. * dblogkeepdays (90) Defines how many days to keep database log entries. Auto-pruning is triggered on every start and on every new month while the server is running. Default: The server will auto-prune log entries older than 90 days. * logquerycommands (1) If set to '1', the server will log every ServerQuery command executed by clients. This can be useful while trying to diagnose several different issues. Default: ServerQuery commands will not be logged. * no_permission_update (0) If set to '1', new permissions will not be added to existing groups automatically. Note that this can break your server configuration if you do not update them manually. Default: New permissions will be added to existing groups automatically. * open_win_console (0) If set to '1', the server will open a console window. Note that this only affects Windows servers. Default: The console will be hidden on Windows. * no_password_dialog (0) If set to '1', the server will not display the initial password dialog on the first start. Note that this only affects Windows servers. Default: The initial password dialog will be shown. * dbconnections (10) The number of database connections used by the server. Please note that changing this value can have an affect on your servers performance. Possible values are 2-100. Default: The server will use 10 database connections. * logappend (0) If set to '1', the server will not create a new logfile on every start. Instead, the log output will be appended to the previous logfile. The logfile name will only contain the ID of the virtual server. Default: The server will create a new logfile on every start. * query_buffer_mb (20) Server Query connections have a combined maximum buffer size. When this limit is exceeded, the connection using the most memory is closed. The buffer size is controlled by the command line variable "query_buffer_mb". The default is 20, which means the maximum amount of buffered data is 20 megabyte. The minimum is 1 megabyte. Make sure to only enter positive integer numbers here. * http_proxy () If set, the server will use the specified proxy to contact the accounting server over http. Supported formats are: domainname:port ipv4address:port [ipv6address]:port Default: empty, no proxy will be used * license_accepted (0) if set to 1, the server will assume you have read and accepted the license it comes with. If this is set to 0, and there is no file ".ts3server_license_accepted" in the current working directory and there is no environment variable "TS3SERVER_LICENSE" which has the value "accept" then the ts3server will not start. On Windows a dialog asking to accept the license will appear. * serverquerydocs_path (serverquerydocs/) Physical location where the server is looking for the documents used for the help command in ServerQuery. Default: The server looks into the "serverquerydocs" directory relative to the current working directory. ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. Using Alternate Database Plugins ----------------------------------------------------------- MariaDB plugin To make your TeamSpeak Server use a MariaDB or MySQL database you need to make sure that the 'ts3db_mariadb' library is located in your server's installation directory. Also you need the libmariadb(.dll/.so/.dylib) library in the same directory, or in your systems search path. TeamSpeak has provided one for you in the redist directory. You can choose to copy that one, or you can use one that is installed on your system (Linux/FreeBSD), or you can download an official one from MariaDB themselves here: . Note that the database server version needs to be MySQL 5.5 or higher, or MariaDB 5.5 or higher. Per default, the plugin uses the following parameters: * host ( The hostname or IP addresss of your MariaDB/MySQL server. * port (3306) The TCP port of your MariaDB/MySQL server. * username (root) The username used to authenticate with your MariaDB/MySQL server. * password () The password used to authenticate with your MariaDB/MySQL server. * database (test) The name of a database on your MariaDB/MySQL server. Note that this database must be created before the TeamSpeak Server is started. Please use 'utf8mb4' character encoding for the database . * socket () The name of the Unix socket file to use, for connections made via a named pipe to a local server. All parameters can be customized by creating a INI-style configuration file called 'ts3db_mariadb.ini'. For example: [config] host=localhost port=3306 username=teamspeak password=x5gUjs database=ts3db socket= The path and filename of the configuration file can be set using the 'dbpluginparameter' commandline parameter. To start the TeamSpeak Server with MariaDB/MySQL support, you need to specify the 'dbplugin' commandline parameter. You may also need to specify the 'dbsqlcreatepath' parameter if you are starting the server instance for the first time since the syntax of the MariaDB/MySQL installation files differs from SQLite3. Example: $ ./ts3server_linux_amd64 dbplugin=ts3db_mariadb dbsqlcreatepath=create_mariadb/ dbpluginparameter=ts3db_mariadb.ini ----------------------------------------------------------- 8. Gaining Adminstrator Access ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Regular clients The first time a virtual server is created, a server administrator token will be automatically created and written to the server log in the following format: ServerAdmin token created, please use the line below token=ppEa0Wp6hopKBzKhH5RiUtb5Ggve5aI8J7ifu+/P Please note that this is an example and not a valid token on any server. This token can be used in the TeamSpeak Client to gain administrator permissions for the currently logged in client. A token can only be used *ONCE*. The server log is written to a file in the logs subdirectory. On Linux and Mac OS X it is also printed to the console from which the server was started. Important! 2. ServerQuery clients To gain global administration permissions for ServerQuery access, the first time the server instance is started a ServerQuery password is printed to the console output: Server Query Admin Acccount created loginname= 'serveradmin', password= 'BAIPwM8X' Use the provided login name and password to access the server using the ServerQuery interface. Note! The ServerQuery password is only shown ONCE when the server is started for the first time, so make sure you save this information for future reference. The only way to generate a new token and password would be to delete the server database by starting server with the 'clear_database=1' commandline paramater or deleting the file ts3server.sqlitedb. In this case all server settings and user accounts would be lost. ----------------------------------------------------------- 9. Understanding the Status of a Virtual Server ----------------------------------------------------------- The status of a virtual server can be: * online The virtual server is running and clients can connect * offline The virtual server is not running * booting up The virtual server is currently starting * shutting down The virtual server is currently shutting down * deploy running The virtual server is currently deploying a snapshot * online virtual The virtual server is running *isolated* and clients cannot connect. * other instance The virtual server is running in another TeamSpeak instance To select a server that is currently offline you will have to use the -virtual parameter with the use command (e. g. use sid=1 -virtual). That will start the server in virtual mode which means you are able to change its configuration, create channels or change permissions, but no regular TeamSpeak Client can connect. As soon as the last ServerQuery client deselects the virtual server (command: 'use 0') or closes connection, its status will be changed back to 'offline'. Important! Changing a virtual servers status from 'online virtual' to 'offline' is an asynchronous operation so it is possible that a virtual server will still be in the process of shutting down when you try to start it right after deselecting it.